Friday, November 18, 2005

Now I lay me down

There were these thoughts and they
Were nagging, slightly oppressive
As a prairie dream of low and flat.
There was this time, a whole lot of it that,
Having passed, was mostly in garbage heaps.

There was this music, not exactly
You wish you could forget the tune
Because it was always just a little beyond
Memory but still a little too familiar,
A sound a little new but too often understood.

There were these dreams, some of them yours
And some of them his, the kind to keep you awake.

There was this soldier of the unknown battle
Sitting alone, doing it again until it’s done.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

Thank God that there are no exploding sandwiches here. It was getting damn dangerous ducking all those flying bits of aubergine shrapnel.
but enough of yesterdays poem, this one is wistful and mysterious. Well to me anyway. Read it twice thus far and like it better second time around!

Julie said...

I really like that,,,
unfinished business, thoughts that haunt someone,, maybe?
hope you are doing well dear one!!

Unknown said...

like always, my friend, beautiful poem to read. keep on writing!!

Shubhodeep said...

i liked the last lines best:
"There was this soldier of the unknown battle
Sitting alone, doing it again until it’s done."
i think the thought and the moment have been captured perfectly

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

definately a haunting almost nightmareish quality about this
I like it very much

Russell Ragsdale said...

Hi CJ! G lad this was worth a second read! Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. I'm in the States now seeing family and traveling around. Glad you picked upon the wistfulness!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Hi Julie! Glad you found this interesting. Yeah, living seems to be all about unfinished business doesn't it? I'm fine thanks; I'm spending some time with my 94 year old mom in the seattle Area right now! Hope all is well with you and Happy Holidays!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks elkenarra! Glad you came by for a read. I'm going to put up a link to your blog real soon, if you don't mind.

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks shubhodeep! I'm glad you enjoyed this. You're right, of course, those last lines have a strong personal meaning for me!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Hi Sue! Thanks for the observant comments! I've been kind of out of touch since I've been traveling. I hope that will get better in a week or so. Lots to do while I'm in the US.

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Sounds like you're having fun, you'll have loads to write about when you return, have a great time and travel safely

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks Sue! I'm enjoying the holiday. Lot's to do and people to see!

Julie said...

Merry Christmas Dear One!!

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

JUst to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year

Roger Stevens said...

Yes, have a wonderful and peaceful New Year - and I hope it will be particularly tasty, too.

Russell Ragsdale said...

Hi Julie! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! Now that I'm back I'm looking forward to find out what everybody has been doing. Lots of reading to do on blogs.

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks Sue for the holiday wishes. I hope you and yours have been having a wonderful Christmas and that your New Years will be happy and blessed!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks Roger! This holiday has been particularly great (and very tasty). I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas season and the New Year will dawn with the hand of the muse on you!