Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I would that I was sorry

I am a poet like a Trojan horse,
hollow and dangerous

I am an emptiness you cannot say
but know so well

tell me your story
ask me my name

and prepare for emptiness
attacking from the space between echos

and how it has the name
of unknowing


Sue hardy-Dawson said...

A touch of the Omen in this, a twist behind the simple words

Russell Ragsdale said...

Simple words, yes, but disturbing truth that, I think, eventually occurs to every poet to haunt them like a nagging fear. Thanks Sue for you wise comment!

gracie said...

Poets possess can-openers to people's souls... we need to know how to use them, or what to do when others are vulnerable and have opened to our words.

Russell Ragsdale said...

I agree Gracie, the language of poetry is a powerful tool but what concerns me is that poets are just human beings. One does not have to read too far into Plath, Lowell, Berryman to see that painful truth. Thanks Gracie for your wise and knowing comment!