Monday, June 26, 2006

On thorns and flowers

What shall we do with the time given us? Did the hour of hurt so disable us that the days and years of our lives lie slain at the feet of rebellious men? Do the violent own this world and its trees only bloom with bitter fruit? Can the yards built for children only be the chance for harm where swings creak in dark rhythms and the childish blossoms of dreams grow unviewed because all the vases are shattered? Tell me my bruised eye can look on man and see some hope.

I watch the dying and see only resignation to the perverted state of their lives.


Pat Paulk said...

The battered, bruised and broken are strewn on highways, sidewalks and office cubicles. The violent do own the world, but good writing, such as this, make a difference!!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks Pat for the wonderful comment. I can only hope that you are right about being able to make a difference!

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

There's always hope while we can question what is happening, even our bruises remind us where the sharp bits are

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks Sue I long for hope that the beat up billions will not have suffered without justice. Thanks for the bright comment!

Neetee said...

I understand completely.

This is so poignant and must be read by many.

As for hope and where to find it, the biggest and surest hope is that which we find within ourselves. That hope is very infectious if we share it with others.

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks QN for your outstanding and wise comments, as always! I have only a little hope about this world, I'm afraid. I have seen too many things which are unpleasant, unfortunately. It is not enough to ballance the sometimes wonderful and good I see.

Margie said...

This is so full of truth... and
does make me quite sad. But, Pat is right... good writing like this
piece of yours can make a difference.I have hope we all can make a difference. Hope keeps us alive. We need to have and share hope.
Thank you for writing this.

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks samuru999! Hope indeed keeps us alive and writing. Thanks for the wonderful comment.