Sunday, August 12, 2007



a day with the sun like a large room

a big bright place where leaves rustle

work is an hour of intense conversation

at the end of which i step out the door

and the next room is dark


puzzling views of letters glowing in the air

words spelled backwards hung there in confusion

when the breeze blows there is the dank hint of mildew

mold in unseen corners traffic lights changing

with the metallic-electric click of switches

echoing hollowly

things scurry close by but hidden behind shutters of darkness

my pockets are full of shadows and pain

which can be spent to buy dreams i can’t remember

the change comes back always more than i spent

and time has no visible motion

the night is an endless conversation

held alone and in silence and i

shaking my head

find the day has gone

and taken the door with it


Pat Paulk said...

We do live in a world of contrasts, even in our own minds. Amazing!!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks Pat! Some say our contrasts are one form of definition. We also know that comparisons often can be used in the same way. Thanks for that interesting comment, my friend!

Shubhodeep said...

the night is an endless conversation

held alone and in silence and i

shaking my head

find the day has gone

and taken the door with it

you write so well sir that sometimes i'm compelled to use the F word... amazing...

btw a poem on my blog at last... :-)

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks shubhodeep! I appreciate the vigorousness of your praise. You honor me with such heart felt words (even the inadvertent F word). Thanks so much my young friend. I am looking forward to seeing that new poem.

S.L. Corsua said...

You have won me over again with this incredible wordplay. I find myself nodding in agreement as I read through and between the lines, especially as I relate this to how work renders me off-focus sometimes... Lose track of time... Lose time... Meet the sun and the moon in traffic, mistake them for traffic lights. *sigh*

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks sweet soulless! I am always hoping to win you over. I'm so glad it worked this time and am planning to try again soon. Thanks for your wonderful words!

arch.memory said...

Russell, I really enjoy your poetry!

Russell Ragsdale said...

Thanks for that Ashraf! I'm so glad you enjoy it and am really greatful you shared that with me.